Do you have an Amazon wishlist?
No I don’t
What is your Tshirt size?
When is your birthday?
June 18
What are your hobbies?
Making art, reading, sunbathing, talking to my friends
What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Thrift stores and junk shops
What are your favorite sports teams
I don’t have a favorite sports team
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite holiday?
My Birthday
What is your favorite coffee place and what is your usual order?
Any place that serves espresso in a small china cup
What is your favorite snack?
Apples, popcorn, and almonds
What are your favorite restaurants?
Centro, Santino’s, Bollywood Grill, North Shore Boulangerie, EE Sane, Speed Queen
What is your favorite flower/plant?
Thank you but I don’t need anymore_____.
I’m looking for __________for my classroom.
Art supplies of all sorts!
Anything else you’d like to share?
Thank you 🙂