Isabelle Barry

Do you have an Amazon wishlist?

What is your Tshirt size?
S or M

When is your birthday?
February 17

What are your hobbies?
Reading, visiting museums, cooking, walking, pickleball, sketching, traveling, writing.

What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Target, Boswell Bookstore, Trader Joe’s

What are your favorite sports teams?
I do not really have a favorite

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite holiday?
I do not really have a favorite

What is your favorite coffee place and what is your usual order?
Not really a coffee or tea drinker

What is your favorite snack?
Nuts and ice cream(or frozen custards)

What are your favorite restaurants?
Wy’East Pizza, Paloma, FreshFin Poke, Antique Indian

What is your favorite flower/plant?
I do not really have green fingers

Thank you but I don’t need anymore_____.
mugs/drinking cups

I’m looking for __________for my classroom.
See class wishlist…