Margarita Swissler

Do you have an Amazon wishlist?

What is your Tshirt size?
Unisex-Medium; Ladies Cut-Large

When is your birthday?
October 9

What are your hobbies?
Reading, baking, gardening, skiing, travelling

What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Amazon, Target, Swoon

What is your favorite sports team?
Green Bay Packers

What is your favorite color?
Purple and bright blue

What is your favorite holiday?

What is your favorite coffee/tea shop and what do you order?
Starbucks — caramel macchiato

What is your favorite snack?
Chocolate Covered pretzels

What are your favorite restaurants?
Paloma, La Reve

What is your favorite flower/plant?

Thank you but I don’t need anymore ______________.
Pencils and coloring supplies

I’m looking for ______________ for my classroom.
A new pencil sharpener